Theft, Lies and Propaganda

Theft, Lies and Propaganda
While we are all set one against the other, we are left no room for a cohesive stand against real criminality perpetrated while coaxed into and occupied in continual infighting.
Brexit being one such tool – it always has been.
The 5%’s emolument, gain and enrichment is tethered to the rapacious Tory Greed Machine. This mechanism is filled up at the gas station of arrogance, topped up with total insensitivity and pollutes the roads and byways of Collective Support with rabid Self Interest. Its toxic fumes choke us all. If that was not bad enough we are held up by teams of Highway Robbers, spouting “We’re all in it together!” and “We are for All The People!” and more such BS. Meanwhile they whip the few pennies, savings, health and well being we saved and nurtured, the houses we thought were our castle, last bastion of reward for hard work and the inheritance we hoped our children and their children would be able to use to pave the way for a better, fairer world.
Keeping us sick, making us sicker as our NHS is handed over to private profit and the threat of instant dismissal of nurses, doctors and servants of health for the people, under the banner of austerity and cost cutting is the only way to profit. It merely loads up a future where the superficial looks rosy and selfless, yet its true apparel is one of deprivation, despair and death.
Our young know and see through these veils of deceit. They smell the treachery and greed surrounding them, the starvation from preschool to university. They shudder in horror at the piling up of the usurious debt they are asked to carry for the rest of their lives, the lack of meaningful employment on zero hours.
They see only despair in a Tory Future. The few that are promoted and offered up as examples of Right Working for All are chancers making a quick fortune on the back of the rest, promoted by sycophantic media as the future. The Pure Propaganda poured out by the BBC, the bias on the right, the Establishment and all self interests are fawned, cow towed to in a way that makes good people, awakened, sick to the pit of their stomach.
Are we to allow these insensitive, uncaring, self interested inexcusable representatives of humanity yet more power, yet more control and yet more dominion over us and our future?
The answer has to be a resounding: “NO WE WILL NOT !”
Robin Hood, Luke Skywalker, Alfred The Great, Boadicea, John Lennon, Clement Attlee, John Locke, William Wallace and the rest – just some of the many sorely missed and so needed now.
Where are you now when we most need you?
We must find all these great people who came before within ourselves, emulate their visions, believe in their dreams where people matter, society cares for each other and truth speaks its soft spoken verity and better times are cultivated!
On all these shoulders stands one leader, whose voice, though drowned by bias, propaganda, BS and lies still resonates a clarion call to sanity, a vociferous cry for peace and one of that history will surely write down as a true Hero of the People:
Stand by support Jeremy Corbyn, the #Labour Party and a return to Power for The Many Not The Few!

Read the extraordinary, true story of one man’s uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

“Unputdownable” – Katherine Fenton – Actress