Theft, Lies and Propaganda

Theft, Lies and Propaganda
While we are all set one against the other, we are left no room for a cohesive stand against real criminality perpetrated while coaxed into and occupied in continual infighting.
Brexit being one such tool – it always has been.
The 5%’s emolument, gain and enrichment is tethered to the rapacious Tory Greed Machine. This mechanism is filled up at the gas station of arrogance, topped up with total insensitivity and pollutes the roads and byways of Collective Support with rabid Self Interest. Its toxic fumes choke us all. If that was not bad enough we are held up by teams of Highway Robbers, spouting “We’re all in it together!” and “We are for All The People!” and more such BS. Meanwhile they whip the few pennies, savings, health and well being we saved and nurtured, the houses we thought were our castle, last bastion of reward for hard work and the inheritance we hoped our children and their children would be able to use to pave the way for a better, fairer world.
Keeping us sick, making us sicker as our NHS is handed over to private profit and the threat of instant dismissal of nurses, doctors and servants of health for the people, under the banner of austerity and cost cutting is the only way to profit. It merely loads up a future where the superficial looks rosy and selfless, yet its true apparel is one of deprivation, despair and death.
Our young know and see through these veils of deceit. They smell the treachery and greed surrounding them, the starvation from preschool to university. They shudder in horror at the piling up of the usurious debt they are asked to carry for the rest of their lives, the lack of meaningful employment on zero hours.
They see only despair in a Tory Future. The few that are promoted and offered up as examples of Right Working for All are chancers making a quick fortune on the back of the rest, promoted by sycophantic media as the future. The Pure Propaganda poured out by the BBC, the bias on the right, the Establishment and all self interests are fawned, cow towed to in a way that makes good people, awakened, sick to the pit of their stomach.
Are we to allow these insensitive, uncaring, self interested inexcusable representatives of humanity yet more power, yet more control and yet more dominion over us and our future?
The answer has to be a resounding: “NO WE WILL NOT !”
Robin Hood, Luke Skywalker, Alfred The Great, Boadicea, John Lennon, Clement Attlee, John Locke, William Wallace and the rest – just some of the many sorely missed and so needed now.
Where are you now when we most need you?
We must find all these great people who came before within ourselves, emulate their visions, believe in their dreams where people matter, society cares for each other and truth speaks its soft spoken verity and better times are cultivated!
On all these shoulders stands one leader, whose voice, though drowned by bias, propaganda, BS and lies still resonates a clarion call to sanity, a vociferous cry for peace and one of that history will surely write down as a true Hero of the People:
Stand by support Jeremy Corbyn, the #Labour Party and a return to Power for The Many Not The Few!

Read the extraordinary, true story of one man’s uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

“Unputdownable” – Katherine Fenton – Actress

The Heavy Hand of Empire – The Dull Bell of Deceit!

The Heavy Hand of Empire – The Dull Bell of Deceit!

Every cheer of “Hail The Emperor“, every flag waived for victory of Regime/Party/Government, shouts of “Long Live [enter country]“, “Our Right is Might” “Hurrah for the King/Queen/President/Dictator/Puppet” is the sound of a dulled, duped and despised populace by a psychotic Elite, impressed on nothing other than their own power, vanity and enrichment.

We all know power corrupts!

To create a surge of popular support all manner of travesties need implementing. The first to be proffered is THE VOTE. This is then followed by heavy insistence on the existing principle of FREE AND FAIR. Once this has been consumed the placatory dessert of TRUTH AND FREEDOM is a mandatory offering. All these essential First Responders are followed in quick succession by a barrage of appeasement by way of promises of the easy to the wildly impossible.

The target in all this play has ever been – the mind of the recipient. Control that mind and you have full control. In days of old methods used and handled were brute force, belligerence and bellicose behaviour. Today progressing into so called civilised states these methods remain at the very centre of the psychopathic despots’ tool kit, yet neatly wrapped in wool of accepted flannel, namely propaganda, lies, deceit and distraction.

undercoshIn days gone by it was easier to crush a population to the will of the Elite through force brutal oppresionalone. Limited and exclusive access to education enabled fear through harassment by praetorian guard, special forces, militarised police, army units or religious leaders to maintain a quiescent people under control and under the cosh.

Today the Internet offers an arm for the freedom fighter while at the same time creating a tantalizing divisive tool of deception for the powers that be. An overkill of information does not procure an education for those participating in its availability. On the contrary social media becomes a drug of addiction and an impression of invincibility to speak loud and vocally to a world perceived to be listening. Most of the time these resonate as the echo of a hollow box, when used without thought or planning, negating the impact most messages and communication could achieve.

The Viral Weapon is a much hyped and poignant methodology. Its counter use by those most fearing its potency, comes through flamboyant distracting fluff thrown out by media and control, like cake from a royal carriage. It ends up splattered over mindless attention spans of sycophants, bottom feeders and the fully ponerized. When used strategically it carries a wholly more relevant and effective message. A message of truth, moving under the radar and mortally wounding any elite messaging. Truth, reality behind manipulated circumstance and the awareness of being played like a fiddle usurps the chintz of celebrity, here today gone tomorrow ‘Awesome Wow’ exciting and stimulating craving of a shallow and superficial emotionally divided population. The repetitive, toxic and embedded nature of memed mind games sidelines real messages from its widest audience, yet when exposed propaganda crumbles into dust with the effect of the reciprocal torch of focus shining back on the true manipulators.

For many the constant barrage of deceit throws down a challenge too far, subduing weak minds. It leads to surrender, quiescence and ultimate collusion through silence becoming the berth of choice.

It would be both fatal and foolish to believe we have to  “Abandon hope all who enter here“. Social media communications may be described as “a hollow echo chamber” by those very well aware of its dangerously challenging nature  but it is never enough to slaughter the effect it can have, used tactically and through the power of the many, to redefine the greater picture.

Their message to slag off its relevance while denying its potency, to all who use their critical faculties, further accentuates the desperation of action to ban, sideline, diminish or demonize it. These are the tactics of a frightened elite, fearsome media losing its audience against the rise of the popular voice. I could have used the term ‘Populist’ however the Powers That Be (PTB) manipulate this word, as with so many others, in a very pejorative way. It is the same with their description of the other side of the story told being described as ‘Alt media’ and Fake News – intimating their legitimacy as dubious at best. The whole campaign of Fake News turns on this deceit. Whenever fake news (propaganda) is disseminated by the mainstream, so as to avoid the lens focusing on their fake, dissembling pieces, they lash out and blame those challenging and telling the other side, the greater truth. These tactics are as old as the hills. Trouble is today they are becoming more and more transparent, so as to awaken those previously somnolent into an alert, awakened state.


Not one of us can afford to lay back on our laurels at times like these. We often hear the cry: ‘What can I do to effect change in the world?‘ – this question is either a search for action or more likely the response rosa-parks---legacyof an overwhelmed and conditioned mind constantly told how powerless one person is towards making a difference. This is the greatest lie. A ripple always starts with seemingly minuscule action, able to turn into a tsunami of change far greater than believed. Rosa Parks, with her steadfast challenge to racial segregation comes to mind – one of many thousands.

Everyone has at least another to share with, one to challenge and persuade of a more compassionate, empathic and caring path. Where there are two there is even greater reach and so on and so forth. All within our present connectivity and environment. Only if we truly support and believe what we feel, if only we put those beliefs into action for others to experience, witness and observe will change be at least stimulated. The rest is out of our hands!

We can never change anyone.

What we can do is through example, considerate manner, listening and offering alternative viewpoints, feed others enabling development towards their own change. If that necessitates releasing a personal goal for the collective betterment then selfless service is precisely what changes the world!

Empires fall when critical mass of such actions takes place.

We are at a point today when that is not only demanded but is within our reach.

Never let anyone refute that truth. Turn the dull bell of deceit into a celebratory ringing in of cooperative collective consideration where the many are served, not the few!

Read more of the research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities


May Day! May Day! – Iceberg sighted Change Direction!

May Day! May Day! – Iceberg sighted Change Direction!

As the Titanic sank on colliding with an iceberg, no one really believed this could have ever been possible inasmuch as perceived strength of such innovation demanded any questioning of the invincible to be heresy and fantasy.titanic_sinking_tw

So it is that the elite ranks of the kleptocracy, their bullhorns and sycophants see only the blue sky of continuity before them today. The iceberg of the British people makes this elite blind and in denial through their myopic focus on their own well being, their own circle of life and raging theft for self gain. Any forewarned disaster is merely flagged and dismissed as fake news of the most alternative kind.

It would be simple to lay out a long list of similar scenarios in history, however the history of these so called victors will not and never has recognized the folly of their repetitively malevolent ways. If any valid study was made it would be clear as day the path presently engineered is one towards absolute disaster.

Money, wealth and arrogance mixed with a hereditary loathing for the unwashed (those quote-celebrities-even-insignificant-ones-like-me-are-created-to-be-abused-by-the-great-unwashed-poppy-z-brite-23951outside the club) is in truth a denial and determination to build their own walled world where anything other than greed, self interest and astonishing whitewashing of humanity, is the A game.

Crudely, wealth becomes an insulating mechanism within which the myopic trained mindset of psychopathy can fertilize, promulgate and be celebrated.

The rest of us are indoctrinated into the belief the psychopath is some sort of crazed , manic killer criminal beloved of Hollywood which is in and of itself correct. Yet this portrayal is so narrow as to be disingenuous. Within every corridor of power, large and small, control and attempting to be one over another is building, encouraging and developing the psychopathic mind into its senseless being.

political ponerologyEssential reading:
Political Ponerology – Andrzej Łobaczewski


Snakes in Suits – Robert D. Hare


As the rise and encouragement of this character has spread, like some foul virus through so much of life, its development has become accepted as a methodology to act, be and move to goals.

Qualities of force, cunning, single vision drive, ruthless, insensitive development of motivation holding zero empathy for others in whatever capacity outside the self is easily attributed to political and geopolitical grandstanding as much as power seeking within the work environment. The ability and creative endeavor forging an acceptable face of psychopathy has been greatly helped within the diversionary and propagandized entertainment industry. Acting out the ‘special’ role, the ‘caring’ adulatory mirage of celebrity and success act as huge mirrors of distraction encouraging individuals, both star and audience to believe in what is illusory, transient and fake. Once this stream is tapped, fed and promoted it becomes easier and easier to lay layer upon layer of fantasy until any true connection to reality is both undesired and unreachable.

The trick and the success of this methodology has been helped greatly through technological advances where the rubbing out of reality is far easier, swifter, more convenient and most important of all devoid of sensory feeling, real connection through empathy and association.idiots

My youth spent growing up in the country, on a farm gave me the gift of touching, smelling and interacting nature. For better or worse my father was responsible for bringing broiler chickens into Europe from America. In the fifties this operation thankfully was nothing close to the factory farming hell of today, yet within that environment I was able to appreciate and experience what a chicken was. Likewise I grew up appreciating what a cow and her superb Jersey milk was really like. Knowledge of production, growth and interaction with pigs, turkeys and organic vegetables gave me invaluable experiential education.

Ironically his partner in this venture, not only shafted him but went on to become a pivot and advocate of the elite, a close adviser to Maggie Thatcher and a vocal promoter of the 1%, but I digress!

Ask many young today where their chicken nuggets came from, the milk (the little original content) in their shakes, the meat making up their toxic hamburgers – the answers would swerve ontp the side of complete ignorance, with others showing total apathy and if you’re lucky an individual who knew where these things came from. This desensitization of knowledge, abrogation of responsibility to educate rather than indoctrinate produces a population successfully weaned off connection to both the real and  natural world. When this happens solid caring for the world, its environment and recognition of destruction caused becomes a problem for others not the ignorant.  The slippery slothful slide towards self extinction hastens exponentially.

Those swanning it in power care not. Their concerns center round there being too manyrich1% of us on this blue marble. Culling becomes the obvious solution. The process of extinction naturally is far too slow and holds no profit line immediately. The eugenic side of the psychopath creates, for profit and expediency, its avenues of pharmaceutical expediency, man made manipulation of food chain and the poisoning of air and water, fundamental constituents of life as imperative.

Greed and bloated selfish growth above all else is the imperative. Any desire to for a more efficient, environmentally interactive and balancing for the whole is anathema, greatest nightmare and single most important hindrance to results.

Rolling out technology to dull, mist enveloped, distracted simple minds from the true direction of their betterment helps blind succumbed victims to their inevitable fate.

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Psychopathy in Play

Wars destroy and distract, weaponry develops endlessly enriches the manufacturers and procurers. It does nothing for the general good except expedite extinction. While we remain entranced with the bread and circus fed us, they move to decimate us to numbers preordained to serve them.

This is no modern syndrome. It has been the way of humanity since Cain slew Abel metaphorically. I state metaphorically as the whole panoply of religion and so called truths laid down and used as foundation pillars in human growth and control was, is and continues to be a major manipulating tool used by power to control. In prior times when education, communication and development of knowledge were far more the exclusive patch of the rich and powerful, such religious simplistic control was the management of preference. Today all this breaks down. Knowledge is available for everyone, information is rife in all its forms – accurate, inaccurate and downright devious.

The ability to decipher truth from lies, false from correct is a major task itself. For many one too bothersome to tackle. While this attitude remains prevalent, we commit a collective suicide through our own senseless abrogation of personal responsibility and inability to use our critical thinking faculty.

In the natural world, when things change, temperatures alter icebergs, formally a solid Tip of the Icebergfixed and secure part of a frozen land mass break away, make their circuitous meandering way into the shipping lanes of the human transit across oceans of life. When the vessel of human construct meets with the solid, mostly invisible superficially, mass of change and different events calamitous, disastrous and life changing are inevitable.

So it is – in spite of a seemingly intractable and resolute, ever more determined push for power, control and manipulation the psychopathic set is heading for a rude shock and awe of their own arrogant making. Nature tolerates neither a vacuum nor humanly created imbalance. The Law surrounding these two parameters is absolute, unlike nation states believing their abrogation and denial of international law can be tolerated.natureabhors

Since each and every one of us is hard wired to work within and interdependent  on such Natural Laws, any deviancy or hard nosed challenge of them brings repercussions as solid and the results the psychopath works towards in its own culling process of others.

Whether it results in natural intervention is not for us to know. Whether it issues from our own stupidity and allowance of lunacy to deal that final self inflicting blow we can only be the judge after the events, yet on present form make it odds on.

What is in our control and appears as a phoenix rising, is the natural urge for self preservation and necessary elimination of the psychopathic, lunatic entity’s demise. Yet this needs awareness, that terrible phrase used by psychopaths to make us feel they care, but in this usage the real striving for exposure of who truly rules over you.

9/10ths of an iceberg is hidden from view, yet is no mitigation of its innate and absolute power. The power of the many over the temerity, delusion and evil intent of the few will be responsible, as it always has been, for the overthrow of madness and creation of a far more integrated world and accession of sanity for as long as we maintain that power.

Be that in the form of mighty space rock, solar disturbance or people awakening – this particular blockbuster of reality is ready to roll and unfold as we take our seats, popcorn in hand.

Hold on it could be a rough and experiential challenging ride!


