Stronger, Brighter and Fearless Together We Become!

Stronger, Brighter and Fearless Together We Become!

slavetomediaOne thing is as certain as night follows day. The mainstream media is not, in any conceivable way, delivering news nor useful information.
Its delivery is a constant, persistent and pernicious attack on millions of decent, sane and disillusioned people in this country through a depth of propaganda that is rabid and revolting. Its purpose is to defeat, disillusion and disaffect into submission and powerlessness through the constant, relentless negative repetition of all that is bad, cruel, shocking, scandalous perpetrated around us and seemingly ever present.

What is emerging through the awakening of a truly socialist caring movement has every day, in every way been attacked, bludgeoned and blamed for all the woes we suffer today and will, by implication have to be suffering tomorrow.

That this specious, blindingly repugnant tale is woven into people’s minds and hearts is the very stuff and practice of the worst in promoting propaganda, lies as truth as George Orwell would have been all too familiar with and has warned about.

In the age of mass immediate communication and connection, it is far easier to sow seeds of deceit, to lay lies out as some pernicious reason for failures and to entrap those of us who are less informed, ill prepared to defend ourselves against such aggressive behaviour.

That the Mainstream Media press is owned and run by, literally, a handful of individuals,  so far removed from a reality where the lives of millions struggle along an inured journey of austerity, deprivation and helplessness is even more proof, if proof was needed, as to the sort of selfish ends and power wielded against good folk.

It is all very well suggesting  we rise up against these monsters, however the truth is that fear has been ingrained so deeply into the minds of so many, helplessness and powerlessness is the common response and thinking.

We rail against the bully in the schoolyard or office, yet those sitting atop their ivory towers of control are the biggest bullies of the lot.  They and their authoritarian followers are the dark knights of an empire wishing to control, subvert and destroy what many of us dream about regaining – freedom of the self, freedom of community, support and nurture of family and extended family and an equality in living enjoyed by all.

propagandamediaThe thrashing by both newspapers, the BBC and other TV outlets is a disgrace and for many of us seems insurmountable in its overarching bias and weight. That the off button is a viable choice, is a choice as far from these conditioned minds as to illustrate how deeply we have been ‘controlled’ through this medium. Getting lost and distracted by fluff, ‘entertainment’ and irrelevance so often presents itself as a harmless distraction and way of inoculating us from the pain avoiding truth and meaning.

This article was brought on as I read once again the vicious propaganda spread through the column inches of the press both on and offline, not to speak of the horrors of TerrorVision. Having been a product of these industries in my early days, I have experienced this truth in a very head on way.

We search for solutions. We long for some to come along and help solve these iniquities. This explains on one level the popularity of the likes of Jeremy Corby, John McDonald and their like, in the UK. In them we see and hear constancy, truth and the exemplary and persistent search for truth and justice to once again become the norm.

Those  presently holding the reins see this movement as an anathema to their greed, arrogance and imperial rule. A direct threat to their divisive enrichment at the expense of all others. The segregation of “Them and Us”. The direct threat to their illegitimate imposition of ‘Austerity‘, that pernicious cover up to their squandering, ill gotten amassing of wealth for their few, at the expense and suffering of the many.

It is an opera that is as old as the hills. As pernicious as the power behind their actions are in maintaining the slavery of one being over another, it is neither destined to last nor is it inevitable. It is, however, iniquitous, immoral and repugnant.

To counter such actions a moderate and intelligent discourse is encouraged, yet once a line has been crossed and the insane in charge of the nut house are exposed, a  straitjacket brought to bear where tolerance is moderated through decisive actions becomes the imperative to clear the house from maniacal  rule.

Words are easily bandied across the divide, name calling and derision by the powerful become the preferred methodology destroying truth when spoken, yet all the time nothing is as powerful as the resistant ramparts of millions declaring ‘No!’ and ‘Not in our name’. It is the very strength in numbers that maintains millions of traduced people to regain will and  define  change in its rightful measure.

Pulling back from and refusing cooperation with the PTB ( Powers That Be) is an excellent start.
This may include sacrifice. Sometimes the sort of sacrifice felt to be inconvenient, uncomfortable and certainly way out of individual comfort zones, is the very medicine needed to be taken. That such measures come late in the day may also be contributing factors to concomitant pain. It is at such times that deciding short term pain is a sacrifice worthy of long term gain. You might feel this sounds like the argument for austerity offered by the PTB, but this pain is nothing like it as it is our own decision to decide how strongly we take this action. The result will always be positive, unlike the imposed so called austerity thrust upon us for reasons anything but for our good.

However unless we can individually and collectively pledge such sacrifice we will continue to circle around the same old fear based reactions that destine us to arrive at the same pitiful point of suffering we desire release from.dandr-fear

Identify areas in our own lives where we, literally ‘buy into’ their story, their reason for living (so often an oxymoron) and that is where we can focus our own efforts to change from that dependency. Have others support us in this and for we support others makes this move far more doable. Strength in numbers becomes not only a physical strength but a mental and spiritual strength.

This is hugely important – we cannot do anything meaningful on our own – we can only do these major steps together.

This is why the message of the left is reactionary, yet utterly human based, revolutionary against all that has been suffered and put upon us allegedly, for our own good!

When we begin to see, feel and experience how our collective efforts towards change does truly have a real impact on our lives – we go for more, for greater results and a truly cohesive society  honouring its own, respecting all and celebrating differences in diversity and unity.

Tim Smit, the inspiration behind the Lost Garden of Heligan and the founder of the Eden Project, the single biggest Millennium project success grown from relative peanuts, once explained, when interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s In Business that the single most important and essential company rule imposed and exercised absolutely,with a vengeance, was as follows:

“Anyone speaking negatively, acting in a negative way or promoting negativity is fired instantly.”

I have always remembered this and in my own life have seen how powerful, detrimental and pernicious negativity can act out. It is, in simple terms, the most corrosive juice oiling our lives. It promotes disease, death and final extinction of anything, be it ideas, growth, potential or well being.

Whereas a proactive, progressive, action creating positive approach gets things done, nurtures the right soil to seed ideas and futures and creates solid, empowering and exciting prospects for each and all. One of its sibling, enthusiasm develops nascent hope, nurturing creativity and most importantly self belief.

This world is far too full of negativity. Fed to obesity with negation, nihilism and futility for future outcomes and better times. Yes this will come to pass – however only if we continue to feed it, like some beast desiring its own extinction.

How can we change course?

Look into our own thoughts, patterns and learned behaviour. Where we see darkness, hopelessness and resignation into the pit of despondency and despair – look up remind ourselves that behind the clouds is the blue sky, sun and warmth of nurture, as it has always been.

Find that chink in our own lives and ways of being, then start to uncover what it presently covers. We all have a chink, no matter how seemingly insignificant or invisible. It is just waiting for us to prise it open, let light and truth in and allow its growth.

Too much, too great a task? Then search for others to help. Discard reserve or sense of any feelings of inadequacy to impose on others. Our friends and connections are always there able to identify that something in us we may overlook ourself. Once felt and found, bring faith to shine and polish it. Allow its obvious limitations to fall away.

I am not talking anything religious here by encouraging faith, even though it may very well inspire  some folk. This faith is the faith in self, the ability to break free from those mental chains of ‘I can’t’, I’m not able…’ ‘I do not deserve…” etc. At the base of all resignation and handing over of power to another is the lack of self belief, self worth and denial of the true power residing within.

The army of the millions of many, empowered to vision, beginning to build, always starts within. It always must develop from that place and flood outwards with an impetus and urgency declaring potential and possibility. This is the force that will always dislodge the seemingly immovable and impenetrable around us, no matter how insurmountable.

Stop listening to the persuasion that you cannot. Stop reading the stuff finding fault and error in the flames and sparks of  creative growth and direction. Recognize it is you who is  the single element of worth, of stature and significance that the rest of us have been waiting so long to witness awaken and join forces with to celebrate starting over!

The nights may feel cold but the morning sun at whatever time has always warmed us to face a bright new day and future ahead. This sun, this enlightened guidance is so far more powerful than anything standing in our way.

Remember that as you remind yourself we were all born from that energy and will when journey’s done become one again within its force, the nurture and brilliance to inspire others coming after to reach for the same and greater heights.




 Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 50 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavors to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities his latest work was published September 2016




Dreams and Realities – The Book of 2016

Dreams and Realities – The Book of 2016

The Thriller of 2016 – set in the late 1920/30s:
A Journalist Uncovers A Global Takeover

Based on a True Story: When an English investigative journalist in 1920s New York discovers a vast unpaid fortune owed his family for gold gifted to the Revolutionary cause he believes he’s hit his very own Yellow Brick Road.
Far from leading him to riches it uncovers dark secrets and nightmare scenarios impacting the world. Will he decide there are bigger fish to trap and truths to expose?
Does he become the fish or fisherman?
Will his findings ignite the spark for another revolution or are the forces ranged against him too powerful to reel in?

Unmasking their endgame places him and the explosive discoveries he holds, into the spotlight of a person of interest and Public Enemy No 1. His life in mortal danger he opts for exposure.
A race against time, hunted down by agents of the powerful, survival depends on waking from dreams and facing reality head on.

Dreams and Realities

By Jonathan L Trapman

About Jonathan Trapman:

Author since aged 9.

First novel The Bull got fair marks at school, noting author in need of improvement.

Began his professional career as a photojournalist, working for some of the top titles in Fleet Street. Among them the London Times, Daily Express and a very short, boring stint with the Sun. Exposed to the propaganda and half truths demanded from photo/journalists in the ‘70s and 80s, his soul was worth more than the tarnished shekels of Corporate Cronyism.

Becoming one of the industry’s foremost photographers he enjoyed getting to know the world, its peoples and a far wider vision of life on earth on others’ behalf and at others’ expense.

He has appeared on TV and radio including BBC, France Inter and online radio. He has been invited to creative and literary conferences across the globe.
In 2013 he, in partnership with his wife, published a ground breaking, first ever, in nearly 1000 years, translation of 10th century Sufi founder/mystic saint Hoja Ahmed Yassawi’s Diwani Hikmet.
He is currently occupied writing the remaining 6 books in the heptalogy  opus The Freedom Cycle