As the Western world engulfs itself in an orgy of commercialism, sentimentality and pure fantasy sane people around the world wonder why and how this depravity dug itself so deep into the psyche.

Don’t blame Bing Crosby he was merely puppet to a propaganda machine, Hollywood, controlled then as now by psychotic, power crazed lunatics believing they to be the Chosen People. Responsibility for so many generations sucked into a belief of bounty, plenty and a stupendous belief in the miraculous fairy tale making all things right and beautiful on a specifically  organised day of the year must be pointed at the entertainments industry, alongside its bastard sibling the corporate industry and religious dogma.

Rude money, Banksters bribery and unfettered greed of the oligarchy have raised the stakes metering love, gifting and transparent display of self worthlessness by way of overspending on mediocre and unnecessary giving. The imprecation to spend, spend, spend, the lure of credit to the hilt, have all, like some ghastly Christmas decorations, garlanded the season to be merry. Merry being the last thing most will feel when they awake from their financial and emotional hangover.

Just like dreaming of that fantasy, a white Christmas, people drawn into the spider’s web of deception and distraction believe the time to show goodwill to all and beam sweetly as they exchange Merry Christmas at the once a year visit to Midnight Mass will suddenly clear the streets of the dispossessed, the homeless, the forgotten and refugees at a stroke.

Best not look at them‘, chide parents as young point to these ignored asking where their home fires, warmth and gifts will be found. The paradox is mighty when pretence Christian values are year long yet superficially enacted during a swift holiday season are stoked in belief of newspapers’ stories of cheer, Royal celebrations and platitudes spouted by an aged monarch to engorged stomachs having feasted revoltingly.  The propaganda organs of television, radio and internet scream at all what must be taken as sacrosanct and what must be left unreported.

At the same time a feverishly frantic fervour for political correctness gets its Christmas stockings in an almighty twist trying to convince us that a white Christmas is non PC. Orders to recognise the non specific colour of snow to be dreamed of while allowing reindeers to be slaughtered by the thousands for some some sort of balance through culling is yet one more disconnect.

Religions struggle to retain the fantasy depicted by a nativity of some sort of miraculous supernatural conjunction and insemination inspiring a carpenter and his specific other to be responsible for an alien being known as the Saviour of Humankind. Meanwhile a bunch of psychopathic satanic zealots having already raided and taken over, like cuckoos, the Jewish nest, continue their anti semitic genocide on little children, mothers and innocent boys and men for the sake of extinguishing any real historical record and increase their perfidious land grabs.

At a time of peace and goodwill Jerusalem is sacked by the money lenders and psychos, raped by rapacious arrogance and greed and the alleged location of a holy birth ransacked by rabid rats, carrion carcasses dressed as military might representing that great illusion, the democratic State of Israel.

While philandering politicians feel their way into underage children’ private parts in celebration of pedophilia-engorged dreams, the world, continues its ill informed state accepting underage rape and pillage as the new norm. Legal offices burst to the gunnels with freshly worded contracts ready to hastily hand out to bevies of new clients who accept the idiocy that contractual step by step agreements must be adhered to in the courting and relationship arena or be threatened with rape.

Imprecations to ‘give‘ at this time of year to all the charities holding up their holier than thou cancer, homeless, refugees and water starved hats for filling, in pretence of worthiness is rife. Their eager money making highlights the specious, self serving and downright cruel fate served on the real sufferers of such injustices and those nearest and dearest. Charity has become the raging, rampant claws of corporate embezzlement.

Sickness, disease, dispossession, refugees and water lack are all horrendous parts of life today, yet if the will was there to truly address these and many other ailments and wrongs in this world, they could be far quicker and with far greater results than mere pennies that end up going to such causes.

You see we are told to believe the fantasies peddled. We do in the main and thus become complicit through wilful ignorance, outright protection of zones of comfort and social appearance. We turn away our children’ faces and our own for the fascist foibles of convenience peddled and daily bribes offered.

Of course it is good to believe. It is eminently laudable to aim for better times, yet if our actions and thoughts are stuck rigidly in our own self preservation, self interest over and above the preservation and interest of others then all we allege to celebrate is as hollow as a bamboo pole.

The level of bamboozlement, blind faith and blatant bloody ignorance is at a height that in any other field would be considered a bubble, a global Ponzi scheme of size never before witnessed.

Truth is it is all that and more!

Do not look for joy, goodwill and merciful kindness out there. Believe at your peril it will for once be a White Christmas or even a Happy New Year. A new Ice Age will most certainly bring on that White Christmas shortly. The New Year merely depends on its colour and outlook reflecting how far each of us are prepared to reset our moral compass which has little to do with resolutions. We all witness the collective resolutions passed over the years at the United Nations with little or no adherence, especially in the department marked USA and Zionist lobbies and political manipulators, so do not think for one moment that collective lie will bring salvation and justice.

No, the real change comes when we wake from the dream. The moment we decide to take the red pill, comprehend the Matrix and stand up to the illusion of lies poured on the screen in front of and around you. Do not hold your breathe!

There will be much more suffering to come. Expect a culling on a scale that the alleged flood around Noah will feel like a mountain stream. Suffering as it turns out is the hidden diamond at the heart of humanity’s experience. Without it no growth occurs of any meaning. When we are so immersed in the travesties and traducing we have allowed, there seems little that can truly heal and cleanse better than a global reset on a scale thankfully that will not allow humans to be exempt.

As rosy tinted as consideration humans are truly worth saving or as idiotic as one person being born to save us all at a stroke and with zilch input on our behalf, the truth is far simpler. Hard lessons for those too lazy to change or too arrogant to think they are part of the mix must inevitably include mass extinction. For those poorly versed on historical fact, it has happened many times before. To think we are somehow ‘special’ or it will not occur again is hubris of the most ignorant kind.

So before you wish for another ‘miracle‘ to happen, another saviour to take your burden, another political reality to overcome the present status quo and madness – get real, look within, change your own reality to align with the very best you wish to be and wish for others. The illusion is dead and way past its sell by date. What remains is for each of us to get real, become educated in truth, act, speak and be the loving kindness we have for so long projected on others to gift.

The alternative is extinction, annihilation and an apocalypse far greater than any biblical proportions. Anyone feeling they are not part of that potential will surely perish first!

Many we all create a better world within and around us!

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